Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tom Barefoot's Audios with Barry Flanagan's Music

Barry Flanagan, founder of “Hapa” has been our friend on the islands for over twenty-five years and he has allowed us to use his recordings as a back-drop to all the audio narratives you will find at

Our thanks go out to Barry and to the members of Hapa!

Do yourself a favor and please visit Hapa’s website at

You will be able to view and purchase their albums, see their upcoming scheduled events and learn much more about this truly Hawaiian treasure.

The New York Times recently stated that “Hapa is the most successful Hawaiian music group in recent history".

The Honolulu Advertiser’s Senior Entertainment writer, Wayne Harada wrote: “Hapa’s Maui is majestic, the music and packaging are aurally and visually stunning, reflecting a link to the past while soaring mightily into the future”.

Below are quick links to all of the interesting and informative audios on this website. Listen to Tom Barefoot!

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